5 Ways To Help Protect The Planet

About one million (more than ever) plants and animals are currently threatened with extinction. Eight gallons of water can be saved a day when turning off the water while brushing teeth. Since 1980, plastic pollution has increased tenfold.

These are just some of the startling facts about what Earth is facing, so it’s urgent that we all do what we can to be environmentally conscious…starting with these five tips!

garbo grabber picking up trash
  1. Pick up trash – Need a fresh, new, unique workout idea? Grab a trash bag and a trash stick, get outside, and clean up your street, neighborhood, park, town, and beyond! *Pro Tip: My favorite trash tools are made by Garbo Grabber*
  2. Recycle – You can try to cut down on waste by purchasing, for instance, milk in glass bottles and “unwrapped” tampons. When you do buy and utilize items, be sure to recycle the paper, plastic, cardboard, aluminum, and glass, so that it can be reinvented into something else.
  3. Make sustainable switches – This is probably my favorite way to try and save Mother Earth, and it’s so easy to do. Some of the changes we’ve made in our house include swapping paper towels/napkins for reusable bamboo towels, Kleenex for HankyBooks, lint rollers for eco-friendly ones, plastic wrap/foil for beeswax food wraps, and Topo Chico for a SodaStream.
  4. Be resourceful – From turning off the lights when leaving the room to turning off the water while brushing your teeth, make smart and resourceful decisions!
  5. Educate – Finally, educate yourself on environmentally friendly efforts, and spread the word to those around you. Unfortunately, one person’s hard work won’t reverse all the damage that has been done. But if we all work together, we can (hopefully) help prevent some of the further damage to this rock on which we live.

Need some more motivation on why going green is vital? Here are five reasons to live an eco-friendly life.

reusable towel and reusable tissue
  1. Save money and energy – By reusing products (like bamboo paper towels) and working to reduce (by, for example, switching off lights, the thermostat, and running water), you will save money and energy.
  2. Improve health and overall quality – Sustainable and all-natural products are safer for the environment and for you. Cutting down on toxins, air pollution, and so on will only help how you feel and live.
  3. Look and feel better – On a similar note, a world with less trash and pollution looks and feels better!
  4. Cut down on damage – The facts like the ones up above should be enough to kick anyone into gear. Actions like these can reduce the damage being done to plants, animals, the ozone layer, the ocean, and beyond.
  5. Prepare for the future – Look at how much more waste is in the ocean, at how much glaciers have melted, at how much hotter it is…Now imagine the world in 10, 25, 100, 1000 years. We only have this one rock to call home. Let’s do what we can to make it a better place for ourselves and for the generations to come.

How do you work to save the planet? Tell me below!

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